CarIPI — Overall and Annual Work Plans

CarIPI focuses on four expected results.

  1. Increased awareness of the value and contribution of innovation and IPR to economic and social development, among policy makers, private sector and the general public.
  2. A network of strengthened and more efficient IP institutions, delivering timely, high quality and accessible IPR administration and enforcement services, benefiting MSMEs in particular.
  3. Enhanced legal and policy frameworks in the area of Trade Marks, Designs and GIs, facilitating the participation in global protection systems in compliance with EPA provisions, and boosting regional harmonisation.
  4. Improved capacity of the productive sector to create, protect, utilise, commercialise and enforce their IP rights, thus stimulating innovation and new business models.

To achieve these results, the overall work plan sets a multiannual framework, complemented by four annual work plans to be developed each year.
A balanced approach is envisaged in terms of geographical distribution of activities in the CARIFORUM countries, different IP rights, and types of activities that can include, inter alia, studies, policy recommendations, workshops, conferences, peer-to-peer exchanges, technical support for IT tools, and promotion.
The activities are identified each year through a consultation process with the CARIFORUM States and the CARIFORUM Directorate, as well as other key stakeholders in the region.














WP1 - Raising awareness on the benefits of IPR


Project launch event and promotion of the importance of IPR










WP2 - Institutional strengthening and digitalisation


Specialized training on TMs for IPO staff [1] [2]











Specialised training on GIs for IPO staff











Registration Framework for Plant Variety Rights











Regional TM database pilot integrations - and IT tools workshop











Develop a common classification of goods and services database (TMClass)











Regional IP Portal - proposal and exit strategy











Creation of a regional GI database











IPR enforcement seminar for customs officials










WP3 - Regional harmonisation of law and practice


Review of draft IP legislation [1] [2]











Sub-PSC and Trade Mark Task Force meeting










WP4 - Generating value through IPR & business strategies


Support on IPR for business











Support to GI producers










CarIPI focuses on four expected results.

  1. Increased awareness of the value and contribution of innovation and IPR to economic and social development, among policy makers, private sector and the general public.
  2. A network of strengthened and more efficient IP institutions, delivering timely, high quality and accessible IPR administration and enforcement services, benefiting MSMEs in particular.
  3. Enhanced legal and policy frameworks in the area of Trade Marks, Designs and GIs, facilitating the participation in global protection systems in compliance with EPA provisions, and boosting regional harmonisation.
  4. Improved capacity of the productive sector to create, protect, utilise, commercialise and enforce their IP rights, thus stimulating innovation and new business models.

To achieve these results, the overall work plan sets a multiannual framework, complemented by four annual work plans to be developed each year.
A balanced approach is envisaged in terms of geographical distribution of activities in the CARIFORUM countries, different IP rights, and types of activities that can include, inter alia, studies, policy recommendations, workshops, conferences, peer-to-peer exchanges, technical support for IT tools, and promotion.
The activities are identified each year through a consultation process with the CARIFORUM States and the CARIFORUM Directorate, as well as other key stakeholders in the region.


2020 - 2021















WP1 - Raising awareness on the benefits of IPR


IP management for OLPs: case studies & communications actions [1] [2]














IP awareness raising actions [1]














Policy Level – Building IP awareness among National EPA Coordinators [1] [2] [3]













WP2 - Institutional strengthening and digitalisation


Support IPOs in digitization of their business processes and databases [1]














Specialised training for IPO examiners [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]














Specific technical support and training to the Haitian IPO














Training for judiciary on IP Dispute Resolution - IP Case Law Conference [1]














Training on IP crime detection and enforcement for customs and police [1] [2]













WP3 - Regional harmonisation of law and practice


Support in drafting and implementing modernized IP laws














GI Manual and Model law [1] [2] [3] [4]














Registration Framework for Plant Variety Rights [1] [2] [3]














Support for accession to International Treaties [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]














Identify and document common practices in TM, Designs [1] [2]














Support deeper regional harmonisation efforts [1]













WP4 - Generating value through IPR & business strategies


Building capacity of BSOs and SMEs [1] [2] [3] [4]














Mentorship programme for OLP/GI producer groups [1] [2]













CarIPI focuses on four expected results.

  1. Increased awareness of the value and contribution of innovation and IPR to economic and social development, among policy makers, private sector and the general public.
  2. A network of strengthened and more efficient IP institutions, delivering timely, high quality and accessible IPR administration and enforcement services, benefiting MSMEs in particular.
  3. Enhanced legal and policy frameworks in the area of Trade Marks, Designs and GIs, facilitating the participation in global protection systems in compliance with EPA provisions, and boosting regional harmonisation.
  4. Improved capacity of the productive sector to create, protect, utilise, commercialise and enforce their IP rights, thus stimulating innovation and new business models.

To achieve these results, the overall work plan sets a multiannual framework, complemented by four annual work plans to be developed each year.
A balanced approach is envisaged in terms of geographical distribution of activities in the CARIFORUM countries, different IP rights, and types of activities that can include, inter alia, studies, policy recommendations, workshops, conferences, peer-to-peer exchanges, technical support for IT tools, and promotion.
The activities are identified each year through a consultation process with the CARIFORUM States and the CARIFORUM Directorate, as well as other key stakeholders in the region.


2021 - 2022















WP1 - Raising awareness on the benefits of IPR


Economic Impact Study: the contribution of IPR














Creativity and IP in CS’ Schools: pilot project [1]














Case studies and promotion of opportunities for research cooperation [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]














IP Awareness Raising actions for World IP Day and World Counterfeiting Day [1]













WP2 - Institutional strengthening & digitalisation


Support to IPOs in Digitisation of their Business Processes and Databases [1] [2] [3]














Specialised Training for IPO Examiners and IP representatives/lawyers [1]














Technical Assistance to Haiti: Road Map, focus on TMs [1] [2]














Exchange of best practice on IP enforcement














IP mediation and dispute resolution [1]













WP3 - Harmonisation of law and practice


Support to benefit from participation in International IP Treaties [1]














Identify and Document Common Practices in TM & Designs [1] [2]














Recommendations for enhanced regional cooperation in Industrial Designs and Trade marks [1] [2] [3] [4]














Model Laws and support in drafting and implementing modernized TM, DS and GI laws [1] [2]














Assist in implementation of Plant Variety Rights Registration Frameworks [1]














Exchange of best practices on protecting Plant Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore using the IP system [1]













WP4 - Generating value and innovation


Mentorship Programme: strategic use of IP tools to enhance competitiveness of CS entrepreneurs [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]














IP B2B training programme [1] [2]














Symposium on innovation, economic development and the role of IP [1]













CarIPI focuses on four expected results.

  1. Increased awareness of the value and contribution of innovation and IPR to economic and social development, among policy makers, private sector and the general public.
  2. A network of strengthened and more efficient IP institutions, delivering timely, high quality and accessible IPR administration and enforcement services, benefiting MSMEs in particular.
  3. Enhanced legal and policy frameworks in the area of Trade Marks, Designs and GIs, facilitating the participation in global protection systems in compliance with EPA provisions, and boosting regional harmonisation.
  4. Improved capacity of the productive sector to create, protect, utilise, commercialise and enforce their IP rights, thus stimulating innovation and new business models.

To achieve these results, the overall work plan sets a multiannual framework, complemented by four annual work plans to be developed each year.
A balanced approach is envisaged in terms of geographical distribution of activities in the CARIFORUM countries, different IP rights, and types of activities that can include, inter alia, studies, policy recommendations, workshops, conferences, peer-to-peer exchanges, technical support for IT tools, and promotion.
The activities are identified each year through a consultation process with the CARIFORUM States and the CARIFORUM Directorate, as well as other key stakeholders in the region.


2022 - 2023






















WP1 - Raising awareness on the benefits of IPR


High-level meetings on the benefits of IPRs




















Case study videos on Geographical Indications [1]




















Videos to promote the use of IP by SMEs




















World IP Day Activities




















Creativity and IP in Schools Part II [1]



















WP2 - Institutional strengthening and digitalisation


Support IPOs in digitization of their business processes and databases




















Specialised Training for IPO Examiners and other IP stakeholders [1] [2] [3]




















Technical Assistance to Haiti: GIs, TMs, Designs, PVRs




















IP enforcement: Manual, training & study on border measures




















CARIFORUM IP Case Law Conference & ADR systems [1]



















WP3 - Regional harmonisation of law and practice


On-demand technical support to conclude the GI agreement




















International IP Treaties: promotion, training, legal gap studies, publications




















Conference on regional mechanisms for the administration of IPRs




















Trade mark / Design Common practice guidelines / manuals [1] [2]




















Support in drafting and implementing modernized IP laws, regulations and promoting its use [1]




















Support to developing and implementing of PVR legislation and registration frameworks [1]




















Regional GRTKF policy and strategy [1] 



















WP4 - Generating value through IPR & business strategies


Mentorship Programme: potential GI value chains [1]




















IP B2B training programme [1]




















IP Scan and IP Valuation for MSMEs




















Innovation in the Blue Economy




















Support to women entrepreneurs



















15 - 16 Apr

Conference on regional mechanisms for the administration of IP rights

To mark the project closure at the end of April 2024, the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation project (CarIPI),  organised a final conference on regional mechanisms for the administration of intellectual property rights (IPRs) at the EUIPO in Alicante on 15-16 April 20
05 - 06 Mar
Kingston, Jamaica

IP Caselaw Conference for CARIFORUM, MERCOSUR and Chile

From 5 to 6 March 2024, the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation project (CarIPI), in collaboration with the AL-INVEST Verde IPR project, the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) A
20 Feb

Creativity and IP in School: regional meeting

On 20 February the CarIPI project organised an online consultation meeting with CARIFORUM IP Offices and Ministries of Education to present the results of the work carried out under this activity, namely a regional strategy to introduce IP in pr
29 Jan

Hands-on IP Scan training for regional BSOs and SMEs

On 29 January 2024, CarIPI hosted a workshop for regional business support organisations (BSOs) and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to present IP Scan cases as part of the IP Scan initiative in the CARIFORUM region.
27 - 28 Nov

IP in School Project: Train the Trainer Workshops

From 27 to 28 November 2023, the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation project organised a webinar series of ‘train the trainer’ courses for primary and secondary school teachers from Antigua and Barbuda, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago.
20 Nov

Bahamas IP awareness training

On 20 November 2023, the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation project hosted a hybrid training session to raise awareness of intellectual property rights among SMEs in the Bahamas.
13 - 17 Nov
Bahamas - Trinidad and Tobago - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Mentorship Programme: technical assistance meetings

From 13 - 17 November, CarIPI has scheduled technical assistance sessions with producers of Origin-linked Products (OLPs) from the CARIFORUM region.
13 Jul
Geneva, Switzerland

Consultation Meeting with heads of CARIFORUM IP offices

On 13 July 2023 the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (CarIPI) project met with several heads of CARIFORUM IP offices that were present in Geneva, Switzerland for the World Intellectual Property Office General Assemblies from 6 -14 July.
26 - 27 Jun

IP Scan Train the Trainers Workshop

On 26-27 June 2023, CarIPI organised a train-the-trainer online workshop on IP pre-diagnostic (IP scan) services for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The purpose was to train CARIFORUM business support organisations’ experts on the needs of SMEs wishing to protect their IP rights.
23 Jun

IV PSC Meeting

On 23 June 2023, the CARIFORUM Innovation and Intellectual Property Project (CarIPI) project presented at the fourth Project Steering Committee meeting in Bridgetown, Barbados.
20 Jun

GI awareness raising session with stakeholders from Dominica

On 20 June 2023, CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (CarIPI) collaborated with the Companies and Intellectual Property Office Ministry of Tourism and legal Affairs (CIPO) to host an online session on geographical indications (GI) wi
22 May

IP Scan as basis of a business IP strategy

On 22 May 2023, the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (CarIPI) project hosted a webinar on ‘IP Scan as basis of a business IP strategy’. The project will present the IP Scan initiative with business support organisations in the region.
29 - 30 Mar

CARIFORUM IP Mediation Workshop

On 29-30 March 2023, CarIPI, WIPO and the CCJ Academy for Law hosted a workshop on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and IP mediation. The online session raised awareness of the judiciary and legal professionals on matters related to IP mediation from global and regional perspectives.
28 Mar

Workshop on TMClass with BIE Suriname

On 28 March 2023, CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (CarIPI) organised a joint workshop on TMClass with the Surinamese Intellectual Property Office (
17 Jan

Workshop on common practices in TM examination

On 17 January 2023, the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (CarIPI) project organised an online workshop targeted at the 16 CARIFORUM IP offices to further discuss common practices in trade mark examination.
02 Dec

Information session on Hague for Suriname

On 2 December 2022, the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (CarIPI) project and the Bureau of Intellectual Property of Suriname organised a joint information session on the Hague system1 to protect national and international desig
25 Oct
Castries, Saint Lucia

IV Sub-Project Steering Committee Meeting

On 25 October, the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (CarIPI) project hosted the IV Sub-PSC in Castries, Saint Lucia.
11 Oct

GI Manual Meeting with Jamaican Stakeholders

On 11 October 2022, the CarIPI project, in collaboration with the Bureau of Standards in Jamaica (BSJ) organised an online meeting with Jamaican stakeholders.
06 Oct

IP in School Project: Consultation Meeting

On 6 October 2022, CarIPI held an online meeting to present the objectives and content of the ‘IP in School’ project, with the aim of developing a regional strategy to help introduce the concepts of ‘Creativity and IP’ in the primary and secondary schools across th
11 - 12 Jul
Alicante, Spain

CarIPI IP cooperation workshop

Following the IP Case Law Conference, CarIPI held an IP Cooperation Workshop with CF stakeholders at the EUIPO premises in Alicante on 11-12 July 2022.
29 Jun

Meeting with JIPO - mentorship interventions

On 29 June, the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (CarIPI) team met with the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO) to discuss mentorship programme interventions with some of the identified producer groups of Jamaica (honey
16 Jun

Meeting with HT IP Service on the GI Model law

On 16 June, the CarIPI team met with the Service for Industrial Property of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Haiti to discuss the main features and the methodology followed to develop the GI model law, with a view to tailor the technical assistance to Haiti
17 Mar

GI Manual Stakeholders Meeting

During 2021, the CarIPI project started to develop a regional GI Manual to serve as a national guide for producers or producer groups, Control Bodies, and CARIFORUM IP Offices.
10 Mar

Madrid System Operations training for JIPO staff

On 10 March 2022, CarIPI hosted an online on-the-job training session to further strengthening the technical capacities and skills of the examiners in the Jamaican IP office (JIPO) regarding the implementation of Madrid System Operations.
03 Mar

Consultation Meeting on Design cooperation

On 3 March 2022, CarIPI hosted a virtual Consultation Meeting to discuss the study on regional cooperation mechanisms in the field of Industrial Design Law and Practice, previously shared with the CARIFORUM IP Offices.
18 Jan

CarIPI regional workshop on IT tools

On 18 January 2022, CarIPI organised a regional IT tools workshop directed at the Intellectual Property Offices of the CARIFORUM.
17 Nov

TMclass tool training for Saint Lucia

On 17 November, CarIPI joined forces with the Registry of Companies & Intellectual Property of Saint Lucia (ROCIP) in a training directed at trade mark agents of the Office.
11 - 31 Oct - Dec

GI model law and GI manual

Caribbean GIs and speciality products have the potential to achieve a greater presence in international markets, particularly in the EU where consumers are willing to pay higher prices for origin-linked products (OLPs).
28 Sep

Regional Plant Variety System webinar

On 28 September CarIPI hosted a webinar in collaboration with CPVO, UPOV and CARICOM Agricultural Division on a Regional Plant Variety System.
20 Sep

WE-Xport Beneficiaries' Intellectual Property Workshop

On 20 September 2021, CarIPI and the Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA) jointly hosted a regional workshop to provide technical support in the area of international trade mark registration to selected companies led by women under
07 - 30 Sep

Make the most of the Intellectual Property system

In September 2021, CarIPI hosted a series of webinars to raise awareness of the benefits of intellectual property protection in creating and sustaining successful and competitive SMEs in the region.
14 Jul

Workshop on the classification of goods and services

On 14th July, CarIPI organised a training session in Dutch on trade mark classification, for the Bureau of Intellectual Property of Suriname’s staff and the country’s relevant legal professionals.
26 Apr

IP and MSMEs: Taking your ideas to market

CarIPI and the Jamaica IP Office (JIPO) collaborate on the implementation of a webinar targeting micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs).
10 Mar

Benefits of convergence of IP systems for cross-border trade

On 10th March CarIPI hosted a webinar directed at EPA coordinators, policymakers, and private sector representatives of CARIFORUM to raise awareness on the benefits – for the business sector and in particular to SMEs -  on the existing regional and international convergence efforts, as well
05 Mar

Webinar “Design examination– practical aspects 2”

This webinar will close this first series of interventions aimed at enhancing the capacities of the Design Examiners of CARIFORUM IP Offices. This time focus was put on the graphical representation of designs and correct use of visual disclaimers. 
04 Mar

Webinar “Design examination– practical aspects 1”

After a first training session aimed at enhancing the skills and capacity of design examiners of the CARIFORUM IP Offices on design examination, a second session was organised by CarIPI on 4th March to cover some practical aspects of design examination.
26 Feb

Webinar “Exchange of practice for design examiners”

With the objective of strengthening the technical capacities and skills of the CARIFORUM IPO staff examiners in the field of designs, CarIPI organised a series of online trainings on design examination (ref. Activity 5 of AWP2).
12 Jan

Webinar ‘The Madrid System in Antigua and Barbuda’

This webinar aims to enhance knowledge and skills of the business sector in Antigua and Barbuda on the use of the Madrid International Registration System. In promoting the Madrid Sytem, CarIPI wants to promote global branding among A&B entrepreneurs.
16 Oct
Caribbean Region

Webinar: Boost your origin linked products

Nowadays, every country in the world claims that their agricultural or traditional products and foods belong to a cultural or gastronomic heritage, as a symbol of the history of a country or a community. Such ‘origin linked products’ have not only a social, but also an economic dimension.
14 Oct

Sub-PSC and Trade Mark Task Force meeting

On 14 October, the CARIFORUM Directorate along with Intellectual Property (IP) Offices of its Member States, the European Union, and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), will meet virtually to discuss present and future activities of CarIPI, a European Development Fund (EDF) i
22 - 23 Sep

Search and Classification Platforms Workshop

In the framework of Act.5 of its Annual Work Plan, CarIPI will host an online workshop on TMclass and TMview, aimed at Registrars or Heads of TM departments of the Cariforum IPOs, with the objective to recap the benefits, as well as strategic and practical implications of the use of these tools.
04 - 06 Aug

Support on IPR for business

Act. 12 is composed of different public awareness- and capacity building actions, intended to  stimulate the private sector (especially SMEs, micro-enterprises and indigenous communities), to create, protect and manage their own value chains, and use IPR as a competitive tool.
02 Jul

Interrelations between Trade Marks and GIs

The training aims at strengthening the technical capacities and skills of the CF IP Offices staff on TM and GI examination. The online training will particularly focus on the technical aspects regarding the relations between GIs and TMs (incl.
19 May

CARIFORUM IP offices - Webinar on trademark classification

On 19 May, the CarIPI project hosted a first large virtual meeting & training on trademarks classification delivered by a senior EUIPO legal expert, Mr Thom Clark, with the participation of representatives of almost all CARIFORUM countries, so as representatives from the CARIFORUM Directorate
04 Mar
Kingston, Jamaica

Workshop on the Hague System in Jamaica

CarIPI collaborated with the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) in conducting a sub-regional workshop on the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs, in Kingston (Jamaica) on 4-5 March 2020.